8. Salon; Trommelstraße 7, 20359 Hamburg
Rashid Asadipour
Charlotte Bunse
Atefeh Ghaseminia
Ole Goldt
Sára Petřičková
Laleh Khabbazy
Saskia Ludwichowski
Maliheh Nemati Nikou
Daniel von Bothmer
Valerie von Könemann
Felix Thiele
A bit like a breeding ground in which super villains post prolifically, causing entire continents to sway. The bottomless depths of the fantastic subscriber numbers seem to me like 11km of the Mariana Trench. In a depth where life is possible without light, because enough dead biomass trickles down to keep obscure organisms alive and glowing, you can really express any opinion. It's actually a chance to be in contact and to be able to feel your fellow human beings better, but too often it's also a burden when the sticky soup sloshes into my life every day without being asked.
I like dystopian superstructures, but of course it's not everyone's cup of tea. The internet or the deep sea don't have to play a major role behind the title. But I think that the power of opinion, your own or that of others, is a topic as old and exhausting as humanity itself and ultimately everything you produce is a message.
Text by Felix Thiele.
Etching (Edition of 1)
51 x 41 cm